Frequently Asked Questions

What primary services do you offer?

Individual and Small Group Player Development and Soccer Training 

What do you specialize in?

Soccer Education and Development: from Technical Enhancement, Soccer IQ, Vision Awareness, Dribbling, Ball Mastery, Finishing, Passing, and Receiving just to name a few.

What are the rates of your services?

Sessions range in price depending on distance travelled, frequency, and numbers.

What other types of activitiesw do you offer?

We offer Group Training Sessions, Open Play, Futsal, Street Soccer, Summer Soccer School, VR Training Sessions (good for players when recovering from an injury), and we partner with other local leaders in the soccer community to continue to provide opportunities to the community.

Are you licensed and insured?

Yes to both!

Do I have to play for a certain school or club to attend?

No, Players that want to get better are welcome to find a program that works for you.